Somatic Therapy

My work with clients is guided by sacred curiosity. 

One of my greatest talents is thoughtful inquiry. As a practitioner, I use this gift to learn how you feel, what you think, and the intimate personal history of your life. The container I create is reflective and relational - I help clients learn about themselves by sharing what I see as we work together. Therapeutic work is challenging because it starts with humility. Admitting that you don't know yourself as well as you'd like is a brave thing! And the better you know yourself, the easier it is to navigate the hardships of the human experience. 

My approach is based in my intensive training in Core Energetics. Core Energetics is a somatic psychotherapy modality that explores the way our personal histories inform the emotions stored in our bodies. This means I work not just with verbal insights, but also with how emotions express themselves in the body. The body aspect is a critical component to true self-understanding, because so much of what we experience is held there. The work involves the close attunement and discussion associated with talk therapy. But in this modality, emotions aren't just talked about - they're invited into the session as valuable felt-experiences. Sometimes this means big expressions, like screaming rage into a pillow. Other times it's a more subtle process, like collapsing your chest in fear. This somatic approach teaches you to tolerate the discomfort of difficult emotions, so you can move out of painful patterns and into more intimate, fulfilling relationship with yourself and others.

This work deals in energy and consciousness. By directing energy to our body and thoughts and then examining how we  feel, we can develop more consciousness about who we are and why we do the things we do. Then we also might understand how we perpetuate relationships and situations that don't serve us. It's important to see how these patterns show up in our lives and how they came to be. When we understand our patterns we can break them and lead more fulfilling lives. When we see how we came to betray ourselves, we move into deeper understanding and alignment with our purpose.

Reach out below for more information, or email me at